The sounds didn't sound very nice. and none of the notes sounded nice either. All in all the repetitive drums prevented this score from going lower... because they weren't terrible.. Specially the cowbell.
The sounds didn't sound very nice. and none of the notes sounded nice either. All in all the repetitive drums prevented this score from going lower... because they weren't terrible.. Specially the cowbell.
It was repetitive but there were enough effects to make it interesting all the way through. I liked what you did at 1:20
Not bad, I didnt listen to all of it, Its not really my style, But For what it is, Its well done :P
Thanks for the review!
Pretty much good.
You say mastered but I hear alot of static... It was very good, Diabolic and intricate, if only it sounded better quality wise :\
First off, Thanks for the Favorite :D
Second. I love this song. Other say busy, Well yes it is, but its done in a way that busy works, Another thing is, I really love the low melodic pady synth things playing in the backgroung, Im a big fan of that kind of resonant background kind of stuff and Ive tried making that on some of my tracks
OPening ... everything.. need EQing... It hurt my ears... But not a bad song
You're lucky you don't have my $4 headphones heh. It sounds way better with the comp speakers, I'll try and find a way to limit the extra noise.
Thanks for the review!
Less you think that was cool, maybe 2 or even 3 times, but the full 4 bars mad it kindof.. an annoying loop, Nice use of FL samples.
Especially the I'll give you pleasure.
looks to Genius
Well, probably because its submitted as a loop...
One effing long loop, but I guess people could just use the parts they wanted.
ok, I'll make it a song, if that's what you're saying.....
It made me feel fuzzy on the inside.
I'm not sure what part of this song is Dance :P
Unless your talking interpretive dance :D
lol it made you fuzzy. am not sure my self too what part of dance it falls in to lol
first indeed
lol I accidentally voted 5... O well.
I hated some notes.. especially that (flute?)
Would have been okay if you spaced some instruments out and changed them up a bit
These are actually the type of reviews I like, ones that mention specifics. Ya, that flute is a bit too high.. anything else you hear wrong with it? As for the spacing. I'm not quite sure what you mean by that... Add a longer time between adding instruments?
Anyways, thanks for the review man
Im a complex person :)
Number theorist
Joined on 5/4/07